an event by
Bologna Fiere
in collaborazione con

Press area pre-accreditation

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Information on the processing of personal data according to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR")
Pursuant to and having the effects arising from Article 12 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 regarding the processing of the personal data of natural persons and the free circulation of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC, and is also called the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”), we hereby inform you that the personal data voluntarily submitted by you to Fiere Internazionali di Bologna - BolognaFiere S.p.A. (hereinafter also called the “Company” or “BolognaFiere”) will be processed in compliance with the current legal provisions governing the protection of personal data and in any event, in accordance with the confidentiality principles followed by the Company in its operations.

1. Categories of processed data
BolognaFiere shall process the following category of data submitted by you:
a) Personal data: first name, family name, date of birth, age, gender;
b) Contact data: home or professional address and contact details (telephone number, and email address);
c) Data regarding your professional position;
d) IP address.

2. Purposes of data processing
The personal data made available to BolognaFiere S.p.A. may be used for the following purposes:
a) Pre-accreditation and issuing, where appropriate, of an entry pass allowing access to the trade show, conference and/or to the event indicated on this form;
b) to comply the legal obligations incumbent upon the Company;
c) in order to conduct statistical surveys and market research;
d) in order to send information and promotional communications, also of a commercial nature, a well as advertising material regarding editions of the Event in subsequent years, and the offer of goods and services to be delivered by means of the postal service, Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS, SMS, from within or outside Italy (including non-European Community member states) by the Company or by natural or legal persons collaborating with the Company’s commercial activities, telesales companies, parent companies, subsidiaries and/or associate companies of BolognaFiere Group.

3. Submission of personal data. Consequences for failure to supply data
Provision of personal data for the purposes indicated under points a) and b) of Article 2 above is mandatory. Any refusal to submit and/or the submission of inaccurate and/or incomplete data may have the following consequences:
a. our inability to provide pre-accreditation or issue, where appropriate, an entry pass allowing access to the trade show, conference and/or event and hence, your not being allowed access to the above-mentioned event;
b. failure of the personal data processing outcomes to comply with current statutory obligations, including tax requirements.
However, provision of personal data for the purposes indicated under points c) and d) of Article 2 above is optional and the only consequence of failure to submit data shall the Company’s inability to send you communications regarding the sale of similar services to those purchased, develop statistical reports and carry out research as well as send you promotional and advertising communications.

4. Processing Methods
Personal data will be processed using the appropriate hard-copy, computer or IT-enabled tools strictly for the purposes described above and, in any event, in a manner such as to ensure the security and confidentiality of any data.

5. Personal data recipients or categories of recipients
The following persons within the Company may become cognisant of your personal data: Company shareholders, members of the Board of Directors or other administrative bodies, members of the Statutory Board of Auditors, Company personnel, the Data Protection Officer, and in any event, external the Data Protection Officers, those persons serving as Data Processors or handlers of personal data appointed by the Company in the exercise of their functions.
Personal data may be communicated to persons providing the Company with services, including ancillary services, necessary to meet the purposes described in paragraph 1 above, such as, by way of example but not limited to these, parent companies, subsidiaries, associate and/or related companies, persons, bodies and/or companies that manage and/or participate in the management and/or maintenance of the Internet website and the computer and/or IT-enabled tools used by us.
Your personal data may be transferred outside Italy in compliance with statutory norms currently in force, including to non-European Union countries where the Company has business interests.
The transfer of personal data to non-EU countries shall be subject to European Commission Adequacy Decisions and shall also be carried out in a manner such as to provide the appropriate guarantees pursuant to Articles 46, 47 and 49 of the GDPR.

6. Period of the processing
Your personal data shall be processed only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing operation.

7. Rights of the data subject
We hereby confirm that you are entitled at any time to exercise the rights regarding your personal data within the limits and in accordance with the conditions indicated in Articles 7 and 15-22 of the GDPR.
Should you wish to exercise any of the rights listed below, please contact the Data Controller by sending an e-mail to: Your request will be answered no later than 30 (thirty) days following receipt by us.
More specifically, data subjects have the right to:
a) withdraw the consent previously given, without, however, said withdrawal in any way calling into question the lawfulness of any consent-based processing carried out prior to withdrawal;
b) request the Data Controller to have access to, rectify or erase (the so-called “right to be forgotten”) personal data, or to restrict processing of personal data regarding them, or to object to processing;
c) obtain the portability of their data;
d) lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Supervisory Authority in the event they believe their rights have been infringed.

8. Data Controller, Data Processor and Data Protection Officer
The Personal Data Controller is Fiere Internazionali di Bologna - BolognaFiere S.p.A., in the person of its pro tempore President, with headquarters in Bologna, Italy, Viale della Fiera No. 20.
The updated list of Data Processors is available at the Data Controller’s headquarters, or may be requested by email at:
The Data Protection Officer may be contacted at the following email address:
This Privacy Policy Statement will be subject to updates. BolognaFiere therefore invites data subjects seeking details regarding the processing of their personal data to check this page periodically.

Having read the above Statement, I hereby consent to my personal data being processed with the methods indicated above for the purposes of:

development of statistical and market studies and research (e.g. sending out customer satisfaction questionnaires);

fulfilments connected with the profiling activity carried out by BolognaFiere;

fulfilments connected with the marketing activities carried out by BolognaFiere;

sending your data to BolognaFiere Group companies and third parties for their marketing purposes;

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